How to Write Thank You Cards for Wedding Gifts
Great news: You and your bride will receive many great wedding gifts when you tie the knot.
So what’s the bad news? For each gift you receive, you’ll need to write a personal and thoughtful thank you card to the gift giver.
Now, we’re not saying that a thank you card is a bad thing. It’s obviously necessary to thank your friends and family for being there on your wedding day and buying you a gift. However, when you have to write several of these notes, it can turn into a tedious process. But don’t sweat. While the thank you note doesn’t have to be long, it should be personal and let the reader know that their generosity is appreciated.
You have several options when it comes to buying thank you cards. Some of the most common options include purchasing blank cards — possibly with your names or new monogram printed on the cover or using cards with a pre-printed message where you’ll just need to sign your names or write a short message at the bottom. Remember, it’s always a good idea to make the cards as personal as possible.
While traditionally the bride has handled writing the thank you cards, it’s important for the groom to get involved as well — especially when the notes are being written to friends and family that he knows personally. Recently, it’s also become more common for the bride and groom to either split the card writing duties, so that the groom handles the notes for his side of the family and vice versa, or sometimes the bride and groom will both write brief notes on the same card.
Whichever way works best for you, we know that the hardest part can be getting started. Now, for you guys who lack the touch with writing, here’s a sample of a very generic, but thoughtful thank you card:
Dear ____________,
Thank you so much for the _____________. It was a wonderful gift and we’ll definitely get a lot of use out of it. We really enjoyed seeing you at the wedding and we hope that you had a great time. It meant a lot to have you there on our special day. We look forward to visiting and catching up with you soon. Take care!
Note: we don’t recommend using this exact wording (you’re not getting off that easy, guys). However, this should give you a solid basis for writing your cards.
TMR Recommendation: According to common wedding etiquette, the newlyweds have up to a year after the wedding to send out their thank you cards. However, it always makes your friends and family feel special to receive a card soon after the wedding. We recommend getting the cards sent out within two months of the big day. Otherwise, people may start to worry that you may not have received their gift.